Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are "moving dirt!" The south wing of our church's courtyard is officially underway. When finished (hopefully by May), we will have more much-needed handicappedaccessible meeting space. By now, the new St. Teresa of Calcutta Hall (a.k.a., Mother Teresa Hall) should be actively hosting our various ministries and study groups in its spacious interior. Once the porch is constructed on the side facing the garden, we will have an official blessing and open house. Mother Teresa Hall was accomplished, not by any capital campaign, but by generous donations of time and treasure from your generous fellow parishioners. We indeed have a very generous parish!
Looking ahead, Tuesday, November 7 at 7:00pm in Old St. Mary's is our annual bilingual Remembrance Mass. As the month of November is given to praying for our beloved Faithful Departed, we offer this special Mass for all of your loved ones who have died, especially those who have died in the past year, the names of whom will be read aloud during the Mass. By His holy Sacrifice, may Christ purify them from any earthly, sinful attachments and so enter the perfect life with Him in heaven. Also, remember that the envelopes with the names you placed in the offertory for All Souls will be collected and placed on the altar. These Faithful Departed will be remembered in a special way at each Mass during November.
At a recent parish finance council meeting, I was asked to encourage you to consider electronic giving - or e-giving - in place of the traditional envelope. The finance council and I encourage it for several reasons:
I personally use e-giving and find it extremely convenient. You can create an account easily online through our parish webpage. Click "Giving," then "Sunday Offertory," then "Create New Account." Our bookkeeper, Phyllis Waters, is ready to help you in the parish office if you need assistance.
Finally, we your priests and our entire pastoral staff work hard to make sure our sick and homebound are visited. Sometimes, unfortunately, some people may unintentionally "fall through the cracks," no matter how good a system is. Sometimes people have what they think might be a short illness, and before they know it, they become homebound. Emergency room visits may become long hospital stays, and, due to confidentiality, the hospital normally will NOT notify us. Non-Catholic relatives or children don't always know the importance of the Sacraments for our beloved sick and homebound. We want to bring you Christ in His Sacraments. Please let us know!