Secular Franciscans

Who are we?   

We are an integrated part of the Franciscan Family, made up of various ‘branches:’ Friars minor, Capuchins, Conventuals, Poor Clares, etc.

We are considered a Third Order, made up of lay persons, as well as secular priests and sisters. We are fellow parishioners who are called to live our lives according to the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi. Our lives are based on the Gospel, modeled on the Lord Jesus. The Franciscan motto is that we go “from life to Gospel and Gospel to life.”

What do we do?  

Individually, we actively participate in various ministries within the parish. Some of us are extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, Mass coordinators, ushers, and more. We help out wherever there is a need. Collectively, our apostolates are:

  • RCIA – providing hospitality, sponsors when needed, and support for candidates and catechumens.
  • Companions of Francis and Clare – an after school vocations club for elementary school children of our parish, including home schooled and public school children as well as our St. Mary’s school children. We assist our St. Mary’s Youth Director in this program.
  • Soup Kitchen – We send teams of 2 every Tuesday to assist in distributing meals at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen.
  • Uganda Spirit – send contributions to support our sponsored students and homeless children
  • Annual Seminarian Dinner – we participate with the Knights of Columbus in preparing a large meal for the parish to raise money for our Seminarians.

When and where do we meet?  

We meet on the Second Saturday of each month beginning with the 8:00am Mass. Following Mass, we meet in Mother Teresa Hall for ongoing Formation (prayer and spirituality) All who are interested may attend and are always welcome! Business (event planning, updates on apostolates and treasury, etc.) will follow.


This is our vocation. The Secular Franciscan is called by God to practice this particular way of life. Just as God calls some of us into Marriage, the Priesthood or religious life, so He calls us into our various Spiritualities, whether Franciscan, Dominican, Benedictine or any other. We are practicing Catholics, who feel called to a deeper communion with God and one another in the way of Saint Francis – to live the Evangelical Counsels, going from Gospel to life.