Stephen Ministry

When you’re feeling down, the beautiful springtime weather and flowers blooming can just make you feel worse. Are you struggling with separation or divorce? Dealing with difficulties due to heath problems? God didn’t create us to go it alone. He’s about Hope and Love!

St Mary’s has a community of Stephen Ministers who are here to walk you through the darkness and back to the joy, enthusiasm, and wholeness God made you for.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Gal. 6:2

Does this season get you down? Do you have a hard time pretending to be cheerful? Stephen Ministry may be able to help. Stephen Ministers are not counselors or therapists; rather, they are caring Christian friends who offer a listening ear to help others through the tough times in life. Stephen Ministers receive extensive training and are supervised in their ministry. They work, in strict confidentiality with care receivers man with man and woman with woman. See testimonials of people who worked with Stephen Ministers by clicking on the Testimonials link below.


To receive help or to become a trained Stephen Minister please contact the Parish Office at 803.649.4777.

To find out more about Stephen Ministry, please talk to one of our priests or contact a Stephen Leader:
Karen Edlund at 803-443-3439
Emily Hanna at 803-221-6978
Mary Ellen Jackson at