Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today, our liturgical year comes to its close with the celebration of the solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. But don't let today be the only day that the Lord Jesus is King of your life. The fruits of the Holy Spirit, which shine forth in the life of each disciple who has made Jesus Lord of his or her life, can and should be practiced every day – "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23). Which of these might we be making excuses not to practice? Are we cultivating their opposites in our words and actions? When someone sees both our public façade and our private life, can they tell Jesus is our King?
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
November is National Black Catholic History Month. "The contributions to the Church and to society by black Catholics such as Fr. Augustine Tolton, Sr. Elizabeth Drexel, founder of Xavier University in New Orleans, and countless others are remembered and celebrated this month. The three million black Catholics and all Catholics in the United States must rejoice in what has been accomplished and strive to add greatly to this work of faith.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Tuesday, November 14, we have a special treat for the 5:30pm Mass. After the Mass, we will have the opportunity to venerate a second-class relic of Venerable Father Solanus Casey, OFM, Cap., who will be beatified on November 18, after which he will be known as Blessed Solanus Casey. (Beatification is the step just before canonization.) Father Solanus "spent most of his adult life and ministry in Detroit, caring for the sick, poor and downtrodden and lending a listening ear and caring heart to the thousands who came to him for counsel, wisdom and aid" (The Michigan Catholic, May 9, 2017). He truly lived a Christ-centered life that inspired thousands to love God. Long before his death in 1957, people already came far and wide to ask his prayers. Over 8,000 people attended his funeral. Though he died of skin cancer with many lesions, his skin was found healed of the lesions when his body was exhumed. Come to Mass to hear more about this remarkable gift to the Church in the United States – and to the world. Father Solanus Casey, pray for us!
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are "moving dirt!" The south wing of our church's courtyard is officially underway. When finished (hopefully by May), we will have more much-needed handicappedaccessible meeting space. By now, the new St. Teresa of Calcutta Hall (a.k.a., Mother Teresa Hall) should be actively hosting our various ministries and study groups in its spacious interior. Once the porch is constructed on the side facing the garden, we will have an official blessing and open house. Mother Teresa Hall was accomplished, not by any capital campaign, but by generous donations of time and treasure from your generous fellow parishioners. We indeed have a very generous parish!