Parish Blog

For All the Saints

10-30-2022Pastor's LetterRev.GregoryB.Wilson,VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’ve been so encouraged by those of you who have pledged to help build the new Science and Engineering Academy wing for our school. As of this past Monday morning, we have 87 pledges totaling $5,307,070. Wow! In order to receive diocesan approval to begin, we need about $1,500,000 more to make our goal. We can do that with your help! This parish has always outdone expectations in generosity. Please prayerfully consider a gift for the future of our children. Also, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please contact our team, who can help:


The Power of the Cross

10-23-2022Pastor's LetterRev.GregoryB.Wilson,VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Don’t forget! This Sunday (October 23) immediately following the 11am Mass, we are excited to present to you the survey results for our Parish Strategic Plan, which you are helping to create. Please join us in St. Angela Hall a little after noon. Ultimately, the Strategic Plan is all about how best to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and how to nurture this in ourselves as the parish of St. Mary Help of Christians.


This and That

10-16-2022Pastor's LetterRev.GregoryB.Wilson,VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please mark your calendars for some wonderful upcoming events:

- The results are in!  The information you provided over the last few months for our Parish Strategic Plan has been compiled.  Join us October 23 in St. Angela Hall at 12:15pm (immediately following the 11:00am Mass) as our Parish Pastoral Council presents the findings. Remember that this is not the end; it is only the beginning as these results will generate more ideas and help direct our beloved parish as we go forward. One finding that I thought was particularly interesting is that, overwhelmingly, parishioners would like more opportunities to gather and socialize.  This is such an important part of our faith – to help each other in our faith by connecting with others who share this same divine faith.


Life is Worth Living

10-09-2022Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson, VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Regarding the future Science and Engineering Academy wing of our St. Mary’s School, thanks so much to our parish families who have pledged. With just a few, we now have an incredible $5,166,400 of our $6,900,000 goal! Two factors will close this gap and allow us to break ground on schedule: 1) The probability that some construction costs may be coming down; and 2) Your generous pledge. Our Diocese will allow us to begin once we have half the planned cost covered in cash and the rest in pledges, and we are very close. Thank you for your help!


Respect Life Month

10-02-2022Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson, VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are so sorry, but the Blessing of the Animals had to be cancelled this year due a scheduling conflict. Don’t worry — St. Francis will still pray for and bless your dear furry friends!

Every year, the Church dedicates October as Respect Life Month. We take this month to spread awareness of the dignity of every human person and God’s call to cherish and protect life from conception to natural death. Let us be mindful of the great gift of life that we have been given and use it to serve God and neighbor. #berespectfulofalllife