Parish Blog

Science & Engineering Design Approved at 90% and more...

05-21-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

SEA Academy - There was a meeting of the Diocesan Building Renovation Advisory Committee (BRAC) on May 11th. They reviewed the design for our Science and Engineering Academy for our School in great detail. The good news is that they approved us at the 90% design stage. This means that we are on track with our plan to break ground for the Academy in late June. We extend a huge thank you to all who donated and pledged so very generously! It is truly amazing to come into a parish and see such a huge project being undertaken and to have the cash and pledges in hand. Thanks so much to our fund-raising committee, the Finance Council and all who have worked so hard and faithfully to get us to this stage. May all of us be faithful to keep praying for the success of this project. “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)

New Seminarian - Joseph Ytem is our new seminarian for a couple of months. Joseph reported to us for duty on Monday, May 15th. Joseph has completed one year of Pre-Theology at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida. He will be with us through July 15th and then after some military training he will return to Boynton Beach. In the future, he hopes to serve as both a priest in the Diocese of Charleston and a U.S. Air Force chaplain. Please see that bulletin article for more details. Please welcome Joseph to our parish.

Students needed! As of May 11th, our enrollment at our School is at 209. We are hoping, praying and working to get up to 250 students for this coming year. We have over 300 students who attend our parish, but not our School. Please prayerfully consider sending your child to our School. Tuition assistance is available. Please visit our School’s website at to find out more information, to schedule a tour, or to find out more about our new Science and Engineering Academy! You can also call the School office at 803-649-2071.

Father Robert McTeigue, S. J. - Do you have a favorite Catholic podcast? I must admit that I was truly late to start listening to podcasts. About three years ago, I started listening to Father McTeigue on The Catholic Current at His podcasts are awesome! He usually has one guest per program and does an in-depth interview on a current Catholic topic. But most importantly, Father McTeigue speaks the truth with “clarity and charity.” I have been deeply blessed by listening to him. I hope you will give him try.

Today we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord! “Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God, and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving, for the Ascension of Christ your son is our exultation….”

All the best…in Christ,

Father Wilson