Parish Blog

February 14

02-14-2024Music NewsFrank Deese

During Lent, we will start using the Introit, or Entrance Antiphon, before the Entrance Hymn. This will complete what the series of what is sometimes known as the choral propers. Before Vatican II, the choir/cantor were responsible for

  • Introit, which set the tone and highlighted the themes of the day
  • Gradual, a response to the Epistle, or First Reading
  • Gospel Acclamation, which introduced the Gospel theme
  • Offertorio, which was sung as the Altar was prepared
  • Communio, which often highlighted the Gospel or theme of the day

Today, of course, the Gradual is replaced with the Responsorial and has been placed between the First and Second Readings. And the People are expected to sing the Antiphon. Likewise, the Gospel Acclamation antiphon—Alleluia, ourside of Lent—is sung by the People.

The new Allen organ for Old Saint Mary’s is being assembled now at the factory. It is not yet ready to ship, but is expected to arrive between the last half of February and the first half of March. It will be what is called a French console, which is lower than the English, and have 2 manuals. It will greatly enhance our worship in Old Saint Mary’s.