Parish Blog

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

12-26-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Merry Christmas! We have only just begun our Church’s Christmas season, so “Merry Christmas!” is still our appropriate greeting for each other at least through Epiphany. They call it the twelve days of Christmas for a reason… They even wrote a song about it!


Come, Let Us Adore Him!

12-19-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we celebrate today the Fourth Sunday of Advent, I sometimes get the question, “Where are the Christmas decorations? The poinsettias? The greenery?” While homes often decorate after Thanksgiving Day (or Halloween, these days), Catholic churches do not because it is Advent, not yet Christmas. You’ll see a few wreaths up by now and possibly some bare trees, but we save the good stuff for the Christmas season, which begins the evening of the 24th and goes through the Baptism of the Lord in January. Our “elves” are making plans and are ready to decorate, and I promise you’ll see a riot of Yuletide colors when you arrive for Christmas Masses!



12-12-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brother and Sisters in Christ,

Because of our often busy schedules, we all like (and need) to plan ahead. With that, I bring you our schedule for Masses for Christmas and the Christmas season:

First, please note that on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25, we will have no confessions or the usual 5pm Mass.

Christmas Eve Masses - 12/24: 4pm, 6pm, & 8pm (in Spanish)

Christmas Midnight Mass - begins at 12 Midnight

Christmas Day Mass - 12/25: 10am

For Sunday, Dec. 26 (Holy Family Sunday), Mass times are like a normal Sunday.


Strength to Trust

12-05-2021Year of St. Joseph

Pope Benedict XVI: God alone could grant Joseph the strength to trust the angel. God alone will give you, dear married couples, the strength to raise your families as he wants.

To think about: Even as we go to the saints for assistance, to our good friends in Heaven, we should always remember all we receive is from Our Lord. As we get to know St. Joseph and other saints, remember all is from God and thank God for everything. God has given us the saints to be intercessors and examples. As the Year of St. Joseph ends, you can ask St. Joseph to direct you to some other saint to help you on your path to Heaven.

Immaculate Mary

12-05-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Wednesday, December 8, we joyfully celebrate a special Holy Day of Obligation – the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Masses are: Vigil, 7 Dec. at 5:30pm; and 8 Dec. at 8:20am, 12noon, 5:30pm, and 7pm in Spanish. We celebrate the conception of Mary in the womb of St. Ann, her mother – one of the supreme preparations God made for His Son to literally take flesh from Mary at the Incarnation. By preserving Mary at the first moment of her existence (her conception) from the original sin of Adam and Eve, Mary was made pure and ready for the later overshadowing of the Holy Spirit at the Annunciation. On May 13, 1846, the United States bishops unanimously chose the Virgin Mary under the title of the Immaculate Conception as patroness of our country. Come pray for your family and our nation on this important Holy Day.