Parish Blog

Our Good Shepard

04-25-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Traditionally, this Fourth Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. We need a guide in our troubled world. May we, as His sheep, always open our hearts and minds to the true paths laid out by our Good Shepherd.


Common Virtue

04-25-2021Year of St. Joseph

St. Joseph Marello wrote “St. Joseph did not do extraordinary things, but rather by the constant practice of the ordinary and common virtue, he attained that sanctity which elevates him above all other saints.”

To think about: This is certainly doable in our own lives: the constant practice of ordinary and common virtues. Are we diligent with this? How can we become more diligent? How can we encourage other along the path?

Alleluia! Alleluia!

04-18-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! Alleluia! We continue the great season of Easter. Forty days of fast has given way to fifty days of feast. This celebration of the Resurrection of Christ will continue through Pentecost on May 23.

I wanted to briefly recap some of the major points of my recent letter regarding some changes to our virus-related protocols. (You can read the full letter on the homepage of our website.) First, please continue to wear your mask/ face covering while inside the body of the church. It should cover both your nose and mouth at the same time.

- Holy water is back! In a report released Feb. 21: The “CDC is not aware of any scientific reports of the virus that causes COVID-19 spreading to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, water playgrounds, or other treated aquatic venues.” Making the Sign of the Cross with holy water at the doors of our churches is a very long tradition, reminding us of our Baptism. A good prayer to say while doing it: “I have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (Of course, if you are still uncomfortable, recall that it is not strictly necessary to exercise this devotion.)


Active Faith

04-18-2021Year of St. Joseph

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade wrote: “St. Joseph was not a passive instrument in the great work of our salvation; he played a very active role.”

To think about: Do we actively step out in faith to do the Lord’s work? Or are we more passive, waiting to be asked to do something? Don’t wait for someone to ask … visit your neighbor who lives alone, call your relative, invite a friend to a parish event, or start a conversation.

Representing Christ

04-11-2021Year of St. Joseph

St. Josemaría Escrivá: Jesus must have resembled Joseph: in his way of working, in the features of his character, in his way of speaking. Jesus’ realism, his eye for detail, the way he sat at table and broke bread, his preference for using everyday situations to give doctrine – all this reflects his childhood and influence of Joseph.

To think about: Are we good examples to those around us? Do we represent Christ as we should to our family, those with whom we work, or employees in businesses we frequent? Intentional disciples of Christ are called to model the Christian life everywhere.

It's True - He Is Risen!

04-04-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

I don’t say this lightly: Everything hinges on the fact of what we celebrate today. Everything.

In Jesus Christ, the eternal, Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity – God who is without beginning, without end – took human flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, was born in time, was scourged, died a horrible death in front of hundreds of onlookers, and was buried. Humanly speaking, that should’ve been the end.


Constant Protector

04-04-2021Year of St. Joseph

Pope Francis: I have a great love for St. Joseph, because he is a man of silence and strength. On my table, I have an image of St. Joseph sleeping. Even when he is asleep, he is taking care of the Church! Yes! We know he can do that. So when I have a problem, a difficulty, I write a little note and I put it underneath St. Joseph, so that he can dream about it! In other words, I tell him: “Pray for this problem!

Changes to Virus-Related Restrictions at St. Mary’s

04-01-2021NewsRev. Gregory B. Wilson, VF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As more of our fellow parishioners become vaccinated and are starting to return to Mass, the Bishop has altered previous restrictions. Your safety is my utmost priority. At the same time, we are making it possible for people to safely attend the various liturgies of the Church in order to receive the life-giving Sacraments, most especially the sacred Body and Blood of Our Lord in the Holy Mass.

Here is a quick summary of the changes:


Giving the Gift of Self

03-28-2021Year of St. Joseph

St. John Paul II: Through his complete selfsacrifice, Joseph expressed his generous love for the Mother of God, and gave her a husband’ “gift of self.”

To think about: How can we give the gift of self to our family members? Neighbors? School or work acquaintances?

Also, during this Holy Week, think about how you can continue some of you Lenten sacrifices, perhaps in a smaller way, for those you love.

Take a Walk in His Shoes

03-28-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. These are the sacred days that define who we are as Christians – as disciples. Come, walk with Jesus in His final steps. Some spiritual advice: Don’t try to “find time” to attend these important events. You won’t “find” it. We must make time to spend with Him like we do with anyone we love. See the full schedule in this bulletin. Some highlights of the week:


Everyone Needs to Forgive Someone

03-21-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“The practice of covering crosses and images throughout the church from this Sunday may be observed." 

The Roman Missal, Fifth Sunday of Lent

We delve ever more deeply into our Lenten observance with a “fasting for the eyes.” Today, we veil crosses and images of Jesus and His Saints. Have we taken these images for granted? On Good Friday the Cross will be solemnly unveiled once more. Then at Easter, all veils will be removed as the Resurrection of Our Lord gives us renewed access to eternal, heavenly realities with unveiled eyes.


Gifts from God

03-21-2021Year of St. Joseph

St. John Paul: “Joseph obeyed the explicit command of the angel and took Mary into his home, while respecting the fact that she belonged exclusively to God.”

To think about: All that we have and all those we love are gifts from God and are ‘on loan’ to us. How can we intentionally be thankful for those we love and other important people in our lives? Think about how knowing that our loved ones belong to God first might change how we treat them.

A Home for Jesus

03-14-2021Year of St. Joseph

Pope Francis said: “As Christians, you, too, are called to make a home for Jesus.”

Something to think about this week: How do we make a home for Jesus? – a home for Jesus in our home? – a home for Jesus in our neighborhood or our workplace? – a home for Jesus in our heart and in our lives?

You Deserve a Break Today

03-14-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Knowing human nature as well as she does, the Church gives us a few “breaks” during Lent to keep our spirits up and to encourage us to keep going.

The first break is today – Laetare (Rejoice) Sunday, the halfway point of our forty-day journey in the Lenten desert. This day takes its name from the opening words of the Mass’ introit: “Laetare, Jerusalem …”“Rejoice, Jerusalem… Be joyful, all who were in mourning!” (From Isaiah 66:10-11).


Thirsting For Jesus

03-07-2021Pastor's LetterRev. Gregory B. Wilson

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

First, an update on the location of Perpetual Adoration: A couple of weeks ago, an electrical problem in Old St. Mary’s made it necessary for us to move Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (back) to St. Claire Chapel. Thanks to everyone for your flexibility, and thank you for taking the precautions necessary to allow us to continue Adoration during the pandemic, even in a smaller space. By the time you read this, repairs to Old St. Mary’s should have begun. We hope to have our beloved old church up and running again soon.


The Silence of St. Joseph

03-07-2021Year of St. Joseph

From John Paul II’s Redemptoris Custos: Pope St. John Paul II writes that The only word St. Joseph spoke was his actions. … Our children may not always remember what we say, but what we do will leave a lasting impression on them. This is true also of friends and neighbors. They will remember us by what we do.

To think about: How well do our actions toward others reflect the truth that whatsoever we do to others we do to Jesus? Do we treat others in a way that they will recognize their own great worth as children of God?