Parish Blog

Receiving Our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist

09-24-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our faith. Accordingly, it is vitally important that we receive our Lord properly and in a state of grace. I’ve now been here over six months and have observed how people are receiving communion. Without a doubt, a few reminders are in order.

First, some of you are not bowing before you receive the Holy Eucharist. At that moment, we are face-to-face with Christ, body, blood, soul, and divinity. The Bishops of the United States have decided that we should reverence our Lord with a slight head bow or kneel.


Update on Our Wonderful School

09-17-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Visible progress continues to be made at the construction site for our parish school’s new STEM Center! The old concrete foundation was demolished, and site prep has now begun! Besides the visible progress that is taking place, our school administration and staff has been busy building our expanded curriculum that will prepare our students for the technological world of tomorrow.

Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School not only offers the important foundational core courses in math, English, science, social studies, and religion that we are known for throughout the community, we also offer many “specials” including Spanish, German, PE, Library, STEAM, Art, and Music. Our graduates can earn up to four high school credits that the area public high schools accept.


Who has helped you on your spiritual journey?

09-10-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

On September 8th, I celebrated my 25th year as a Catholic. Naturally a milestone like that induces a lot of reflection. The first thought is, “Wow, that’s a long time! And then, where did all of that time go?

It also produces thoughts of thankfulness for the grace that God has bestowed on my life. So, I want to express my gratitude for the men and women who have helped me along the way, both Protestant and Catholic. We don’t make our journeys alone.


Do You Do a Morning Offering?

09-03-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

How do you start your day? What’s the first thing to which you turn your attention in the morning as you get up?

For me, I love to do a morning offering. After I make up my bed, it’s the first thing I do in the morning.

What is a morning offering? Well, basically you are offering or should I say reoffering yourself to God, body, soul, and spirit. You are offering the good, the bad and the ugly of the upcoming day to Jesus your Savior for some very specific prayer intentions. There are several versions of this prayer. One that I like has these words:


Where Peter is...there is the Church!

08-27-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

In our Gospel for today, Jesus is in the district of Caesarea Philippi. At Caesarea Philippi there is a massive wall of rock that is well over 100 feet straight up and about 500 feet wide. The city of Caesarea Philippi was built on top of this enormous rock. This is the setting or the backdrop for this critical exchange between Peter and our Lord.

So in the district of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:13b-16)


School Days Are Back!

08-20-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Happy New School Year! Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School began its new school year this past week! What a joy it was to walk around campus and witness the excitement of students and staff. Please pray that all our school students, families, and staff will have a year filled with growth, both academically and spiritually.

Our parish school plays a critical role in the formation of our youth. We are educating the Catholic leaders of tomorrow. I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the state of our school as we begin this new year.


Our Eyes are Fixed Upon?

08-13-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, Peter's experience reflects situations that, more often than not, we also eventually undergo. Who has never, ever felt, at least once, that the world was crumbling around himself and then decided to let it all go and surrender to despair? Under these circumstances we must humble ourselves, revive our faith and exclaim along with the psalmist: “Show us, Lord, your mercy; grant us your salvation.” (Ps 85:7)

In ancient times, the sea was where the evil forces dwelt, the kingdom of death, a threat for all people. By “walking on the sea” (Matt 14:25), Jesus is telling us that through his death and resurrection He defeats the powers of evil and death that threaten and seek to destroy us. But often our existence is like a fragile boat, tossed around by the stormy waves of the sea of life. We hope and pray that we will safely reach the shore.


Why was Our Lord Transfigured?

08-06-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, the Gospel speaks of the Transfiguration of our Lord on Mount Tabor. After Peter's confession, Jesus started to say that it was necessary for the Son of Man to be condemned to death and that He would rise on the third day. This passage of the Transfiguration of Jesus has to be placed within this context. Anastasius Sinaita wrote that “He, who had donned our miserable goatskin tunics, is today dressed with a divine dress and a dazzling light wraps him up as a robe.”


Anointing of the Sick

07-30-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

“When the Church cares for the sick, it serves Christ himself in the suffering members of his Mystical body. When it follows the example of the Lord Jesus, who “went about doing good and healing all” (Acts 10:38), the Church obeys his comment to care for the sick (see Mark 16:18) (Prot. No. 1501/72, Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship)

The Catholic Church teaches that anointing of the sick is one of the seven sacraments instituted by Christ. It is mentioned indirectly in Mark 6:13 and specifically commended to the faithful by James the apostle: “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; 15 and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” (James 5:14-15)


Have You Tried "Hallow"?

07-23-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

From July 10th to July 13th, I was privileged to attend the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology Conference in Wheeling, WV. The theme for our week was “Journey to Holiness.” Our speakers included Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. John Bergsma, Dr. Ralph Martin, Dr. Lawrence Feingold, and others. About 250 priests attended from 38 states. There was also a U.S. priest who came from Vladivostok, Russia, and a British priest from the Diocese of Leeds. It is always so very special to be with brother priests and to learn from sound Biblical theology. There’s no doubt but this conference will help me to be a better priest.


Pilgrimage to Italy!

07-16-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

So, here’s my story….or part of my story…I have been blessed over the years to be able to travel, first through the U.S. Army, later through my business and then as a priest. I have travelled to about 35 countries around the world. I have been blessed to be in Rome and other parts of Italy four times in my life, twice as a Protestant and twice as a Catholic, but never as a priest. And since Italy is one of my favorite countries, I really want to go back to Italy again, but this time as a priest.


Meek and Humble of Heart

07-09-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

For a Christian, strength is found in weakness. Our teacher is Jesus Christ, and he wants us to learn from Him to be meek and humble of heart. The world may brush the simple aside and call them ignorant, but Jesus’ prayer to his Father teaches us to value the greatness of the little ones among us. God himself chose them to be preachers of His Holy Gospel.


STEM Center Construction is Underway!

07-02-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

We had an exciting event last Thursday in the life of our parish and school! Bishop Fabre was here and blessed and led the groundbreaking for the STEM Center at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. It was moving to see students from the school out there with hardhats breaking ground as well! What a marvelous and incredible event for our parish and school! Here are some critical details about our new Center.