The Kingdom and the Cross

11-26-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

On the last Sunday of the year, the Feast of Christ the King, we focus on Christ as King of the universe, yet He was a man condemned to die on a cross. What a mysterious paradox! The Kingdom announced by the prophets has already come! Where is this Kingdom? Here, in the midst of us! Within us! What is this Kingdom like? Christ makes it clear to us over and over again: “My Kingdom is not of this world!” (John 18:36) “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them...It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant,” (Matthew 20:25-26)


Children of the Light and of the Day

11-19-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

The three readings from today’s mass challenge us to do good work, be wise in our activity and to know how to take advantage of our time, because we never know when our time will run out. The parable Christ tells us sets the tone for today’s biblical message: we must use well the gifts we have received, not just by spending all our talents, but by multiplying their fruits.

There is a Castilian saying that goes: “Praying to God, but still swinging the hammer.” (A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando.) Faith is one of the talents that we must invest. We are each beneficiaries of something more valuable than the huge quantities of money mentioned in the parable. To bury it in mere fulfillment of the law, in routine, or to hide it would make us worthy of the Lord’s condemnation. Rather, we must live our faith, nourish it, give testimony to it, and share it.


Keep those lamps lit!

11-12-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, we are invited to mull over the purpose of our existence: it is a warning from the God about our ultimate end. We should not therefore, play with life. “The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” (Matthew 25:1).The end of each person will depend on the path chosen. Death is a consequence of the life —wise or foolish— that has been led in this world. Foolish maidens are those who have heard Jesus' message but have not put it into practice. Wise maidens are those who have incorporated it into their lives; that's why they enter the wedding feast of the Kingdom.


Update on Our Catholic School

11-05-2023Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

The construction of our STEM Center at our parish school is progressing and remains on schedule! The footings are poured, and concrete block has arrived on site! More visible progress should be noticeable soon! Over fall break the installation of our new PA system began throughout our entire campus. This new system will tie into our new STEM Center seamlessly. Not only does it improve communication between rooms, but it also enhances announcements, bell schedule changes, and increases security on campus.