Parish Blog

The Holy Family: A Model for Christian Discipleship

12-29-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

Today, we are asked to contemplate, as a continuation of the Mystery of Incarnation, God's Son's insertion into the human community: the family, and Jesus' progressive education by Joseph and Mary. As the Gospel says, “And Jesus advanced [in] wisdom and age and favor before God and man.” (Lk 2:52)

The book of Sirach reminds us “For the Lord sets a father in honor over his children and confirms a mother’s authority over her sons.” (Sir 3:2) Jesus is twelve years old and He already shows the good education He has received at His Nazarene home. His wisdom no doubt reflects the Holy Spirit's action, but also the training in righteousness that He received from Mary and Joseph. Mary and Joseph's great anxiety attest to their loving concern and watch care over Jesus. We need not make great efforts to see that today, more than ever before, it is necessary for the family to strongly assume the teaching mission God has entrusted to it. Christian discipleship must necessarily begin in family. Parents must understand this mission and firmly embrace it. Christ, the source of all wisdom and knowledge, will be alongside, helping them as they teach and disciple their children.

It is very difficult to remedy shortcomings in home education and discipleship. What is not learned at home can only be learned with great difficulty elsewhere. The virtues Joseph and Mary constantly practiced at their Nazarene home were lived and learned by Jesus naturally: a spirit of service to God and men, piety, love for work well done, caring for one another, respect, horror of sin... To grow up as Christians, children need examples and, if their parents give these, these children will indeed be blessed.

Today, more than ever, we must all go and seek Christ's wisdom to bring it to our families. Origen, an early Church Father from Alexandria, when commenting on today's Gospel, said that whoever is looking for Christ, must not seek Him in a negligent and careless way, as those who do not succeed in finding Him do. We must look for Him with “anxiety,” with great diligence, as Joseph and Mary did.

All the best…in Christ,

Father Wilson