Parish Blog

October Surprise!

11-03-2024Pastor's LetterVery Rev. Richard C. Wilson, VF, Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ,

“And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil 1:6)

St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians was written in prison where he was in danger of death. In his letter, he rejoices in their continued progress in the Gospel. And he wants them to know that if they continue to be faithful, God will certainly be faithful to them and bring His work to completion at the end of their lives (or the day of Jesus Christ).

This verse has always been one of my life verses. It is special in many ways, but chiefly for me in that God called me from my Protestant faith into full communion with the Catholic Church. And then later....called me against great odds to be a priest of Jesus Christ. So, I don’t know all the twists and turns that are on the road for me, but I know that God will bring His work to completion at the end of my life.

In this election season, I have experienced an “October surprise!” On Friday, September 27th, Hurricane Helene hit us. And while we came through much better than many other parts of our country, it was a challenge for all of us. I was without power for eight days. At that point, I knew that I was going to have a heart cath on Monday, October 7th and my brother Warren was coming down to be with me. I was concerned whether I’d have power in the rectory for his visit.

October 7th: my heart cath procedure revealed three seriously blocked arteries. I then had a cardiac calcium CT and sonic echocardiogram to determine if I was a candidate for a heart bypass. My cardiologist and my heart surgeon both agreed that I was a good candidate.

October 11th: They started surgery around 7:10am on Friday. One of the nurses told me, just before I went under, “Think of a happy place, your favorite beach.” I was in surgery for about six hours. Praise God, the surgery was a success, and I left with a quadruple bypass. I spent about 2 ½ days in the ICU and 2 ½ days on the Sixth Floor of the hospital. I was discharged on Wednesday, October 16th, five days after open heart surgery.

So, from that point, I have been living in the rectory, eating those delicious meals prepared by the faithful of our parish, and walking, praying, saying a private Mass, and resting. Every day I get better. As of this writing, I am still not seeing visitors; I just get worn out and exhausted. I need the rest. Thanks for allowing me to have that!

Please know that I am most grateful for your continuous prayers, your gifts of meals, for my cardiologist, my heart surgeon, all the nurses, support staff, and all who have helped me navigate this “October surprise.”

I am convinced that God is not finished with me yet.

All the best…in Christ.